Circuit description
An integrator in measurement and control applications is an element whose output signal is the time integral of its input signal. It accumulates the input quantity over a defined time to produce a representative output.
- Calculate integrator response
- Calculate integrator response for
Modeling the circuit
First we include Symbolics.jl
and CircuitS
using Symbolics
The we create the circuit and add all of the elements as shown in the picture above:
circuit = create_circuit()
add_element([Resistor, "R1", 1, 3], circuit)
add_element([Resistor, "R2", 4, 5], circuit)
add_element([Resistor, "R3", 5, 2], circuit)
add_element([Capacitor, "C", 3, 4, "U0"], circuit)
add_element([Voltage, "Ug", 1, 0], circuit)
add_element([OpAmp, "OpAmp1", [3, 0], 2], circuit)
add_element([OpAmp, "OpAmp2", [0, 5], 4], circuit)
After we've built everything, we initialise and simulate the circuit:
result = simulate(circuit)
Dict{Any, Any} with 8 entries:
"V5" => 0
"V3" => 0
"V2" => (R3*Ug + C*R1*R3*U0) / (C*R1*R2*s)
"I_OpAmp2" => (-Ug - C*R1*U0 - C*R2*Ug*s) / (-C*R1*R2*s)
"V4" => (-Ug - C*R1*U0) / (C*R1*s)
"I_Ug" => Ug / (-R1)
"I_OpAmp1" => (-Ug - C*R1*U0) / (C*R1*R2*s)
"V1" => Ug
Integrator response is the voltage of node 2:
(R3*Ug + C*R1*R3*U0) / (C*R1*R2*s)
We can replace replace R1=R2=R3=R
the classic way, before the simulation:
@variables R1 R2 R3 R
init_circuit(circuit, Dict([R1=>R, R2=>R, R3=>R]))
result = simulate(circuit)
(Ug + C*R*U0) / (C*R*s)
Or we can do it post simulation with JuliaSymbolics substitute function:
result = simulate(circuit)
@variables R1 R2 R3 R
V2 = result["V2"]
V2 = SymbolicUtils.substitute(V2~0,Dict([R1=>R, R2=>R, R3=>R]))
V2 = simplify(V2, expand=true)
We recommend applying the replacements before the simulation as it makes the MNA equations less complex and it decreases the chances of JuliaSymbolics simplify failure.